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  • If You struggle With Fitness Goals, Try This

If You struggle With Fitness Goals, Try This

It comes down to a specific kind of habit and mindset

In This Issue:

If You Struggle With Fitness Goals, Try This

Habits and mindset will take you farther than you can imagine—if you can imagine it.

Tools and Talismans

  • How to Change Your habits

  • A quick primer on dopamine

  • TED Talks don’t work!

If You Struggle With Fitness Goals, Try This

Hello, fellow adventurer!

You’re here to improve yourself.

Improve yourself, and you’ll have more power and influence to improve the world.

But what if there’s still a disturbing gap between the person you are today and the person you want to become?

You’ve already heard the conventional wisdom.

If you do something hard, the day will come when it seems easy.

Pumping Iron Sport GIF by Joko GIFs

Gif by joker_eckesgranini on Giphy

But what if you’re not motivated to do the hard stuff? In that case, you have two choices.

You could “push through” and do whatever you think you need to do, no matter how unmotivated you feel. Some people thrive on this approach. But there’s an alternative: Neuroscience.

One of the keys to motivation is to do things that are just a touch beyond what you know you can handle. Whenever you succeed at one of these challenges, you get a motivating hit of dopamine (see Tools and Talismans) to keep you going.

The right balance is crucial. If you aim too high, you’re likely to feel daunted and frustrated. But if you aim for something too easy, you’ll feel bored and uninspired.

Your New Year’s Resolutions Revisited

We’re near the end of January, so let’s look at this balance in terms of New Year’s resolutions. By now, most people have given up on their resolutions. A few ambitious souls are humming along towards victory.

But if you’re stuck somewhere in the middle, don’t give up!

All you need to do is apply the right amount of challenge to your habits and your mindset. The formula comes down to three steps:

  1. Establish the boldest vision you can believe in

  2. Make a small change that get’s you a little bit closer to achieving it.

  3. Repeat.

This formula works because of how it changes your habits and mindset.


Suppose your New Year’s resolution is to lift more. The exact number of pounds, kilos, or reps isn’t important.

If you can only deadlift 100 pounds, you probably know it’s not good to try lifting 500 pound tomorrow morning. But could you lift 110? Probably. Do it tomorrow. I’ll bet you’re a little bit excited about trying.

If you want to take up running, don’t give yourself shin splints or a heart attack by sprinting six miles uphill.

Just commit to running 20 feet farther than you have before.

For the moment, don’t worry too much about your big goals. Find one tiny change or improvement. When that becomes normal, pick another one.

You’ll hit the big goals with a carefully-tailored shift in your mindset.


As you think about your fitness goals for 2024, try to picture what your ideal body would be like.

Then do a gut check to feel whether you honestly believe you can hit this goal or not.

You want a goal that’s hard enough to be a challenge and inspiration. But it’s just a dream unless you actually believe you could do it.

If you can’t picture yourself winning a Triathlon this year, could you at least see yourself finishing it?

If you can’t imagine losing 50 lbs, could you see yourself losing 5?

Just Out of Reach

It’s a paradox. Goals that are just out of reach are easier to achieve than goals that you know you can achieve. The little bit of extra challenge fuels you.

Challenge yourself and you’ll step out onto the path towards adventure. Always aim for goals that are just out of reach.

Tools and Talismans