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  • Proof of Your Superpowers

Proof of Your Superpowers

The truth about your innate talents, plus 30 minutes to be more sociable

In This Issue:

Proof of Your Superpowers

The truth about your innate talents

Tools and Talismans

  • Cavafy’s Ithaka

  • Mysticism on LinkedIn

  • Become more social in 30 minutes

Proof of Your Superpowers

If you condensed the history of humanity into a flight from New York to Los Angeles, you would notice something astonishing.

For most of the flight, human beings would be hunter-gatherers. We would be creating tools, blending our actions with the daily and yearly cycles of nature, honing multiple skills that we relied upon for survival.

Around the time the plane reached the Coast Ranges, the Agricultural Revolution would begin.

Egyptians would build the pyramids of Giza as the captain turned on the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign at the beginning of the descent.

As the plane reduced its altitude and approached L.A., Greek and Roman civilizations would rise and fall. The Industrial Revolution would begin and end in sight of the runway.

Use of the internet would become a widespread phenomenon just seconds before touchdown.

The point is that for 97% of human history, we were always hunting, hiking, camping, rock climbing, and constantly learning. Life was an adventure.

For 97% of our history, we lived by our wits, skill, awareness, and cooperation. It's in our DNA.

Today, we might get most of our food and other needs met by pushing buttons on electronic devices. But we still have all those superpowers within us. And you still have all those superpowers within you.

Are you putting your innate talents to their best use?

Tools and Talismans